About Us
The Mulliganeers was formed several years ago by a group of longtime friends who would hear different tragic stories involving children. Although many times they would individually offer financial assistance to the family in need, they knew that collectively they could accomplish so much more. Thus, Mulliganeers was formed. The Board of Directors and Committee Members of Mulliganeers are all volunteers. Most services are donated (as are most of the products and prizes) and due to generous contributions, Mulliganeers is able to keep their costs to the bare minimum. These professional men and women are willing to donate their time, talents and connections to this worthy cause. They are grateful for the many generous contributions made to Mulliganeers and recognize that collectively we all have been able to help children and their families in their time of need.
To date...
The Mulliganeers has donated over
$8,000,000 to children in need
and supported 450 families!
We have consistently distributed 90% of every dollar raised directly to our recipient families.

"The best way to find yourself
is to lose yourself in the service of others."
- Gandhi
Our Mission
The Mulliganeers is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to raising funds for children and families in need. The main method of our fundraising is through our annual St. Patrick’s Party in March, annual Golf Outing in September, and associated fundraising events throughout the year. Recipients of charitable donations generated by the Mulliganeers are determined annually by the Board of Directors and may vary from year to year. The recipients, however, are ALWAYS children.

About The Families
We Select
As the organized vehicle of your generous support, the Board of Directors takes the process of selecting and screening families very seriously. Each family that is selected must complete a rather extensive financial application prior to being submitted to the Board for approval. No family is ever approved before all the paperwork is completed and all the questions are answered to our satisfaction. We ask each potential family very specific questions about their total assets, insurance benefits, other benefits (such as Medicare or other public financial assistance), and a total list of all outstanding debts. Over the years we have learned that all these details will give us a much better overall picture of a family’s financial need. Unfortunately, not all families that apply to us are approved (sometimes it’s a really difficult decision). The families also sign a document with us that if their financial circumstances change, that any and all unused money be returned to us for other needy families.